Privacy policy

Privacy policy for Nukta platform application

Section 1: Introduction

We at Nuqtah Platform are committed to protecting the privacy of users of our application “Nukta Platform”. This policy aims to explain how we collect and use personal information and how we protect it.

Section 2: Information We Collect

2.1 - Personal Information: We collect personal information from users when they register accounts and use the application, including name, email address, payment information, and contact information.

2.2 - Interaction Information: We collect information about how users use the App, including login, purchases, and browsing.

2.3 - Device Information: We collect information about the device that is used to access the App, including device type, operating system, and network information.

Section 3: How we use the information

3.1 - Service Provision: We use personal information to provide our services, including improving user experience and processing orders and payments.

3.2 - Communication: We use contact information to communicate with users appropriately, such as sending updates and special offers.

3.3 - Data analysis: We use interaction and device data to analyze the use of the application, improve it and ensure its security.

Section 4: Sharing Information

4.1 - User Sharing Information: We provide order and delivery information to participating stores on our platform to fulfill orders.

4.2 - Sharing information with third parties: We may share information with approved third parties who provide services to us such as payment processing and data analysis.

Section 5: Security and Data Retention

5.1 - We take sound technical security measures to protect personal information.

Section 6: User Rights

6.1 - Users have the right to access, correct and delete their personal information and submit deletion requests.

Section 7: Changes to Policy

7.1 - We may update this policy from time to time, and users will be notified of major changes.

Section 8: Communications

8.1 - For any inquiries or comments about the Privacy Policy, please contact us via [email address].

We encourage Users to periodically review the Privacy Policy to understand how we protect their privacy and how we use their information.